Category: Music

Springsteen Goes to Work on Broadway

A musician dressed in gray t-shirt, dark jeans, and black boots entered a Broadway stage from the left, walked to the middle and started talking about six feet from the microphone. As he spoke, he eased closer and finally settled front … Read More

Paul Simon & Sting. A harmony lesson.

One is tall, lean, and looks like a bit like a body builder. The other is  small, ruffled, and looks like your old favorite uncle. One is bald, the other is gray. They look like a  comedy team with large … Read More

From Condoms to Caskets the Brand Deserves a KISS

“YOU wanted the best, YOU got the best. The hottest band in the world…” Lights go out. Explosions, fire, spotlights, screaming guitars, and the official rock ‘n’ roll circus has begun. There is nothing like a Kiss concert. Nothing. Kiss … Read More

The end of Rock & Roll?

They all have the same thing in common and it’s really a sad sight to see. Some of the best guitar riffs played live, probably for the last time on stage, by the original band members and there sits the … Read More

Zooropa Released Twenty Years Ago…

Wow, it’s been twenty years? Really? The album that was born during the Achtung Baby tour, finished at a frantic pace, and helped launch and define the last leg of the Zoo TV tour has grown up. Think Joshua Tree … Read More

The Rolling Stones Roll Along

It was by far the oldest audience I have ever been around. I mean, that really was your father’s Oldsmobile in the parking lot right? I never ever thought I’d see the Stones with my son — at any age … Read More

About that Boston album cover…

Paula Scher really doesn’t like it, doesn’t want to acknowledge it and doesn’t want to hear it… but she created one of the most iconic album covers of all time. Art intersects music with a dash of technology. So where … Read More

Learning to walk…again

Since David Grohl was at SXSW this year, I’m reminded… It’s really important to know your audience, know when to change and how to stay relevant. This is true for any business, and especially true for musicians. Since music is … Read More

Keith Richards. Start Me Up Reggae.

Creativity has a way of creating unexpected results. You can create what you set out to do, and you achieve the results you want. You can create what you set out to do, and don’t achieve the results you want. … Read More